Monday, February 22, 2010

Will it be a long week?

Hopefully we will have five full days of school this week!  We have not been able to do that for quite awhile. 

Spring pictures went very well today.  They took three poses of all students.  I heard they were some really cute kids in the library today!   We will have a proof to send home with all of the students of the pictures in a couple of weeks.  Parents will be able to order online or to send orders to school.  Thank you to Rena Kuster, Diana Hock and Sara Rhoads for helping make this run smoothly.  We needed their help!

We had some guests today and on Friday from Central Bank in the building,  working with the 2nd graders on Economics.  Ginger Kolb, a Blair Oaks Elementary parent, and my brother, Mark Baker, were two of the presenters.  Central Bank has many banking and economic lessons that they make available to schools.  We are glad they came to share their knowledge with us!

Remember to send in Family Reading Packets on Wednesday! 

If you know of any students going to kindergarten next year please let them know about Kindergarten Round-Up on Thursday night at 6:30pm.  We want to welcome all incoming kindergarteners and their parents to learn about the new year!

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